Now that we've discarded the unlearned, let me continue with our tale...
San Diego Comic Con is a pilgrimage made by every American nerd, geek, fangirl and fanboy with even the slightest intention to earn the title of nerd, geek, fangirl or fanboy. Some people describe it as Christmas. But it's not. Everybody gets Christmas - who wants it. Only a select few have the funds and geographic ability to attend this Mecca of fandom culture, none of which were our heroes - but I'll get to them later. Somebody [very special] who was there, was James McAvoy, with the cast of X-men.
The Shirt
I know, I know, I shouldn't distract you, but I have to outline the situation properly. This is the shirt that started it all. This is the one that caused the Realisation Phenomenon, but again, I'm getting ahead of myself.
The Social Networking Site
Soon Facebook was alive with the sound of a plan. Amazon would be scoured, the Internet would be turned inside-out, but we would clad ourselves in the way James chose, we would have a connection to him. (If you are one of those people who says 'Ew, that's pretty stalkery', I would leave now 'cause I doubt it's gonna get a whole lot more sane.)
Anyhow, a few weeks later - August, it was - an anonymous fangirl/fanboy set up a James McAvoy fan page and declared to the James McAvoy Fan Club where the shirt, that eluding shirt that had almost slipped our minds, almost escaped our radar, could be found just a few clicks from us. We were provided with a link, and a varying (by location) duration of time later, we donned our X-men shirts and celebrated. If we ever had occasion to meet Jamesy Boy, we'd have a suitable conversation starter and instantly make a good impression.
We hatched a plan. On the first of September, 2013, we would watch a James McAvoy movie or television show of our choosing, one each, and know that our internet friends were doing exactly the same. What we did not expect was the phenomenon that would be consequence. See, there was an overload of perfection. Our screens couldn't cope with the absolute infinity of James Andrew McAvoy's awesomeness. His acting skills fried their wires, having him in so many roles at once caused the circuits to scream out in agony the phrase "DOES NOT FREAKIN' COMPUTE!!" and reject the entire premise that one man could be so talented.
And so it was, on September 1st, 2013, the world flooded with McAvoy characters. This is the tale of how this was set right, for everybody knows, there is only one James McAvoy.